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About Angela

Angela Williams is President of the Hope for Fertility Foundation. She handles grant applications and oversees general foundation operations. Through fertility treatments, Angela and her husband have four children. Angela has volunteered with the foundation for three years and continues to give back to the infertility community as much as possible.

About Foundation

The Hope for Fertility Foundation provides grants up to $5,000 to couples dealing with infertility. These grants can assist with infertility treatments and adoption costs. Infertility can cause financial strain for families, with Invitro Fertilization costs ranging from $15,000-$18,000 and adoption costs averaging between $8,000-$40,000.

The Hope for Fertility Foundation has been awarding grants to help couples dealing with infertility since April 2016. Since then, more than $122,650 has been gifted to 31 deserving couples throughout the United States hoping to have a child. The foundation currently has two grant babies on the way and 16 babies born.

Website: www.hopeforfertility.org 

Link to grant: https://www.hopeforfertility.org/grant/