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About Amanda

What does one do when diagnosed with cancer for the  *THIRD* time before their 40th birthday? 

If you are our founder, Amanda Rice, you channel your frustration with reproductive health insurance coverage for cancer patients (or lack thereof) into a nonprofit.

About Foundation

The Chick Mission idea "hatched" when Amanda's fertility preservation coverage was denied by her insurance company. Staring down a long road of chemo, radiation and long-term drug therapy, Amanda understood the high likelihood of infertility after her treatment and decided to move forward covering the costs on her own. The idea of other patients choosing not to pursue preservation simply because of the cost barrier did not sit well - socioeconomic standing should not dictate whether anyone has an opportunity to have biological children after they battle and beat cancer. Wouldn’t it be incredible if every single young female cancer patient had the option to preserve her fertility ahead of lifesaving treatment? As a woman who has spent over a decade raising money for a living, Amanda utilized that skill set to help get The Chick Mission off the ground. She jumped down the rabbit hole of necessary paperwork to incorporate and the rest is history.


Link to grant information:

*Grant applications are submitted directly from a Fertility Practice Partner.